Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I Don't Assist Close My Dignity

The President's recent tweets made me call back close Andrew Johnson's ill-fated movement for Democrats during the midterm elections of 1866. Johnson's deport during what was termed "the swing around the circle" was widely seen every bit an fiasco because he got into shouting matches alongside hecklers as well as made several wacky statements ("Why don't y'all hang Thad Stevens?") When some of the President's supporters told him that some of his comments were undignified, the President was heard past times reporters to respond "I don't attention close my dignity," which became a national headline.

Two years later, ane of the articles of impeachment against President Johnson alleged that comments such every bit these were a high criminal offence as well as misdemeanor. Article Ten stated:  "Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, unmindful of the high duties of his high component division as well as the dignity as well as proprieties thereof" did "make as well as declare, alongside a loud voice, sure as shooting intemperate, inflammatory, as well as scandalous harangues, as well as therein verbalize loud threats as well as bitter menaces . . . among the cries, jeers, as well as laughter of the multitudes thus assembled inwards hearing." [I dearest the affect close "with a loud voice."] Article Ten concluded alongside the following:
Which said utterances, declarations, threats as well as harangues, highly censurable inwards any, are especially indecent as well as unbecoming inwards the Chief Magistrate of the United States, past times agency whereof the said Andrew Johnson has brought the high component division of the President of the the States into contempt, ridicule as well as disgrace, to the peachy scandal of all skilful citizens, whereby said Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, did commit, as well as was thus as well as in that place guilty of a high misdemeanor inwards office. 
Hail to the Chief.

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